Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies and similar technologies, which are small files or pieces of text that download to a device when a visitor accesses a website or app. For information about viewing the cookies dropped on your device, visit The cookies Squarespace uses.

 How can I control cookies?

You have the right to decide whether to accept or reject cookies. The cookie consent manager can be found in the notification banner on our website. If you choose to reject cookies, you may still use our website through your access to some functionality and areas of our website may be restricted. You may also set or amend your web browser controls to accept or refuse cookies.

How often will you update this Cookie Policy?

 We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to the cookies we use or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons. Please therefore revisit this Cookie Policy regularly to stay informed about our use of cookies and related technologies.

If you have any questions about our use of cookies or other technologies, please email us at or by post to

 Bluewater Pelvic Health Centre

113-704 Mara St

Point Edward ON N7V1X4

Phone: 519-491-5233

Fax: 226-313-4304